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We have created eSignature template in Salesforce. I was granted DS Admission Permission for creating templates 

After template creation is completed and tested, I should ideally be assigned the DS Sender role in DocuSign. However, after this change, I lose access to the DocuSign Apps Launcher entirely, despite having the correct DocuSign Salesforce permissions. 

Is DS Admin Permission required for sending envelopes?


No, you do not require Salesforce permissions to send envelopes via Docusign eSignature. Did you set up the user correctly in Salesforce to have the correct permission profiles?

Typically, there will be a button added to the user layout that should trigger the send for signature, e.g. on the account object there will be a “Send NDA” button made available to the specific layout for Sales.

In addition, the Docusign widgets are added to the user layouts so they can track the envelope status.

I have not used the Docusign Apps Launcher for a long time now, but there was never the requirement for a normal user to access it. The normal user will access Docusign via action that were made available for him, mostly via adding buttons to the right object to perform the sending part.
