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I want to use the template already created in app.docusign web site to our C# application via web API call, for my trails I created a Developer account and used the same account detail for to get the docusign access token as well as i created a template with this account, but in the production I want use the exiting template created in Docusign web portal, in production i have the App account credential not developer account how use the app account credential to Developer account in Docusign application.


This is not possible, the demo environment and the production environment are two different data centres and have different BaseURIs to authenticate against. You need to export and import the template between accounts in different environments, similar to changing the authentication between demo and production.

Hello @ravim,


If I understand your request, you want to import your Template from Demo to Production. If that's the case, this is possible, you can download, and then upload the template you created on your demo account.

You can check how to download and upload templates in these articles:


If you want to invoke the same API Method, you need to made the required changes to authenticate, such as a new endpoint, access token and secret keys or key pairs.

