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Assign fields to no one?

  • May 23, 2024
  • 1 reply


At the moment I have some documents which have fields I need to complete for my client. I don’t need to sign the document, but I need to be a recipient so that I can complete these fields. I can’t make the client the only recipient as then that means the fields are assigned to them and they can edit the information in the fields which is not what I need. Ideally I would like all of these fields to function like the prefilled fields where I can add information to the document but the recipients cannot then edit it. The trouble is that in order to use the prefilled fields they all need to be manually created which is really dumb. Why can’t we assign documents with fields to the prefilled category? Why do they have to be assigned to one of the recipients? 


Every time I send this type of document I have to open the document after its sent and digitally sign it which is completely unneccesary as my only role is prefilling the information for the client to sign. 

Best answer by nathaly.monge

Hello @willgproctor ,


Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!


I understand you need to fill out information for your recipients without the need of sending it to your self or assigning the fields to a recipient with editing permissions, I’m sorry to hear that the current workflow is stressful and not of your liking.


 Al though the option you are describing is a method on filling out the information needed before sending to the signer, there is another one.


You can create a template with all the needed fields assigned to the needed signer but the ones that need to be filled out by the sender (in this case yourself) can be set as read-only so that the signer can not edit the information: Add Read Only Fields to a Document


Now, during the sending process you can click the needed fields (these can be standard fields, not necessarily pre-fill fields) and add the information needed, this will be available for the signer during the signing process and you wouldn’t have to add yourself as a recipient: Field Properties


I hope that makes sense.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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  • Answer
  • May 24, 2024

Hello @willgproctor ,


Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!


I understand you need to fill out information for your recipients without the need of sending it to your self or assigning the fields to a recipient with editing permissions, I’m sorry to hear that the current workflow is stressful and not of your liking.


 Al though the option you are describing is a method on filling out the information needed before sending to the signer, there is another one.


You can create a template with all the needed fields assigned to the needed signer but the ones that need to be filled out by the sender (in this case yourself) can be set as read-only so that the signer can not edit the information: Add Read Only Fields to a Document


Now, during the sending process you can click the needed fields (these can be standard fields, not necessarily pre-fill fields) and add the information needed, this will be available for the signer during the signing process and you wouldn’t have to add yourself as a recipient: Field Properties


I hope that makes sense.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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