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I have a flow to create envelope, add doc, add recipient, tag (as needed) and send. When I log into DocuSign, I have 2 accounts, a default and a group account for all the appropriate users. Since I need all users to trigger the flow, I changed the connections to all steps to reference the group account number. All step look good EXCEPT Create Envelope. This one gives me the following error:


Failed to retrieve dynamic inputs. Error details: 'The dynamic operation request to API 'docusign' operation 'GetCustomFields' failed with status code 'BadRequest'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: {"errorCode":"USER_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_SPECIFIED_ACCOUNT","message":"The specified User is not a member of the specified Account."}'


I’ve tried creating a new connection and it is still upset. Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)

Hello ​@KatieL ,


Thank you for reaching out to the Docusign Community.

We can’t see what type of accounts you have. May we know if you have tried using your other account and see if the error persist?


Best regards,

Marco Paulo| Docusign Community Moderator

I hope this helps. Please "Select as Best" below if you find the answer to be a valid solution to your issue!

When I set “create Envelope” to my default, Power Automate will save the flow, but then it fails when the person clicking the button in the app triggers it (because they are not me).


When I set “create Envelope” to the business account, which includes all members, the flow will not save and gives me the error I posted above.

This error occurs when the user who authenticated to Docusign to grant the consent and obtain the access token (used to call the Docusign API) doesn't belong to the specified account. I would suggest reconnecting Docusign from Power Automate, as it is likely the previous login information that is configured when you authenticate with the default account still persists.
