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AutoPlace Text Not Working


Hello! I am testing our Workday integration with DocuSign. Everything is set up correctly on the Workday side - I’m able to verify the account ID, add the anchor text, and even start a document successfully. The issue is that once I open the document to sign, the DocuSign AutoPlace text fields are not working. I’m only able to place a field wherever I want on the document. I updated the document custom fields with the autoplace text and everything to match the anchor text in Workday. Is there something that I’m missing on the DocuSign settings side that is the root cause of this? Please help!

Best answer by JohnSantos


When configuring anchor tags for DocuSign within Workday, the syntax is crucial for the anchors to be correctly recognized and placed on the document.

For DocuSign anchor text, the format typically requires the anchor text to be surrounded by special characters, such as slashes ("/"), to ensure that DocuSign identifies them correctly. 

Document anchor text: /signHere1/

This means on the actual document, the anchor text should be written as /signHere1/. The slashes help DocuSign recognize the anchor text properly. So, if your Workday anchor text is signHere1, you should use /signHere1/ on the document.

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  • August 5, 2024


If you are able to place a signature tab or any other fields on your document in DocuSign it means that the AutoPlace in Workday is not setup correctly.   Can you share what you have used for your tags?


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  • August 5, 2024
JohnSantos wrote:


If you are able to place a signature tab or any other fields on your document in DocuSign it means that the AutoPlace in Workday is not setup correctly.   Can you share what you have used for your tags?


Hi, thanks for your response. I have used the below for Document Custom Fields (DocuSign) and Anchor Text (Workday). Where can I find the tags setting in DocuSign? I am in the developer account and I do not see a Tags menu option on the settings page.


  • dateSigned1
  • fullName1
  • signHere1

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  • August 5, 2024


Have you had a chance to review this information?  DocuSign - Workday integration | Community

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  • August 5, 2024
JohnSantos wrote:


Have you had a chance to review this information?  DocuSign - Workday integration | Community

I have reviewed that thread! I see that the tags mentioned on there is for Workday. That was set up and mapped to the anchor text that I created. I thought you were referring to tags in DocuSIgn, sorry. But yes, I’ve followed all those steps listed and have been trying to test using the Distribute Document Task in Workday. The only thing not working as expected is the AutoPlace fields. Any other thoughts on what could be adjusted in the setup? Sharing some screenshots below of what I have in place currently.





DocuSign: (The autoplace text is the same as what I have above)


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  • August 5, 2024
JohnSantos wrote:


Have you had a chance to review this information?  DocuSign - Workday integration | Community

Yes, I have reviewed that thread as well! Confirming that I have followed all of those steps there. My apologies, I thought you were referring to the DocuSign site when referring to tags. I have all the tags assigned accordingly to the anchor text in Workday. Please see my setup below!





DocuSign (the autoplace fields match the anchor text from above):


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  • August 6, 2024


What are you using for Anchor text in your document?  It should look something like this:

Signature: /signAnchor1/

Initials: /Initials1/

Signature: /signAnchor2/

Initials: /Initials2/

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  • August 7, 2024
JohnSantos wrote:


What are you using for Anchor text in your document?  It should look something like this:

Signature: /signAnchor1/

Initials: /Initials1/

Signature: /signAnchor2/

Initials: /Initials2/

On the document itself I am just adding the anchor text as I have it configured in Workday. For instance”

Workday anchor text = signHere1

Document anchor text = signHere1


Are the “/” characters required to be before and after the anchor text on the document only?

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  • August 7, 2024


When configuring anchor tags for DocuSign within Workday, the syntax is crucial for the anchors to be correctly recognized and placed on the document.

For DocuSign anchor text, the format typically requires the anchor text to be surrounded by special characters, such as slashes ("/"), to ensure that DocuSign identifies them correctly. 

Document anchor text: /signHere1/

This means on the actual document, the anchor text should be written as /signHere1/. The slashes help DocuSign recognize the anchor text properly. So, if your Workday anchor text is signHere1, you should use /signHere1/ on the document.


Hi @knguyen94,

I hope you are doing well.

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Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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