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Hi DocuSign community, 

I created DocuSign Powerforms, for new employees who wants company benefit - sport card - so they need to aggree that from salary there is a small compensation from employee side as well.


Process is following - Employee go to URL form from intranet, he/she specifies in form his/her name and email address, and then document will come to his/her email  with request for signing - where he will fill  data and sign via Docusign - clicking on the link in received email. 



The thing is that I would like to hide from the form the persons who receives cc after this document is signed (colleagues in salary department - they only needs to got information, that there is new request)

because now, newcomers can change email addresses of role Mzdové 1 and Mzdové 2 - what I do not want




Do you have any experience or tips how to do it?   

@Pavol Katrencik 

Yes, this is possible and actually quick to implement.

  1. Edit the template of the PowerForm
  2. Click on “Advanced Settings” next to the recipient you want to hide


  3. Check both checkboxes for “Recipient Modification” 


  4. Repeat the same for the second recipient

  5. Save the template and you are done.

Thank you very much, it helped to prevent changes by users. Is there a possibility to hide some users , who receives the copy in form? 

@Michael.Rave  as you wrote it helped me aslo to hided the fields. Thanks a lot. 

