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I’ve developed an integration with Docusign, and initiated the review process multiple times after the integration has been rejected for unknown reasons. (The request logs that where supposed to tell me the reasons didn’t work). Now, I started the review process again but with a manual process through the support ticket I opened. I’m still waiting for their response until now.


What can I do and who can I contact about that?


I’m with the DocuSign Support team on the Dev/API team. I understand you’ve submitted a ticket to move your integration key from demo to production. If you’ve completed the manual go-live form, it will be reviewed by the Go Live Support team and is pending approval. Once both you and your team have signed the form, the integration key will be moved to production.

I recommend reaching out to the support agent handling your ticket for updates on the status of the manual go-live process.







Thanks for the reply.
I see that the integration moved to production, but in the demo account it still shows that it’s in pending approval state. When trying to test the production account it shows an error that the client id is disabled. (See screenshot attached).


Whats next?

