I am a developer of a software package that integrates with docusign. Our customers purchase the license and use our admin tool to update the integration information. Our code then uses that authentication to make the calls.
We have a certain customer who is asking us to allow them to configure an integration key per user. Meaning they’d like us to enhance our user setup admin to give them a place to save the oauth information per user.
I’ve read the documentation and understand that it’s recommended there be a single integration key per integration between docusign and the third party software (our suite).
Their reasoning to the best of my understanding is to allow different integrations for users in different regions or countries (I’m not certain the actual differentiation).
We proposed enhancing our current admin (where they now enter a single integration key and authentication to docusign) to allow multiple entries, and then they would be able to select an integration from that list at the user level… we’d offer a drop down at the user to select an integration.
I’m not sure if this is the right way to go, seeking advice as I’m not familiar with multiple integrations keys like this. Does the proposed approach in the preceding paragraph seem ok?