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The account was previously linked to another person who has a middle name. The current user doesn't have a middle name, but the middle name from the previous user keeps appearing in e-mails. In all the account settings, the name of the current user is correctly displayed. What else can we do to remove this middle name?

Did you change the name in the Admin Section of DocuSign?

Get the user to log in to the account and click on the small picture/logo icon top right and then Manage Profile.  Check and update the name in that section also.

It does seem odd as the standard is normally just Full Name.

Is this also when they sign a document?


Hi @m.wendrich 

We had faced the same issue 6 months back. That time we were informed that it was a bug. (Ticket: USER-1537 ) However he did a workaround an solved it. I am trying to recollect the workaround steps. I will share with you


Hi @m.wendrich 

Can you compare the name of the user in Settings → User and Manage Profile → Name

Manage Profile shows FirstName and LastName. 

Whereas in Settings → User it shows a full name.

Hello @m.wendrich ,


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