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I would like to consider workflow when I need to replace singed document due to typo of document number etc. Signed documents in DocuSign cannot delete or replace, so what is the good way to manage it?


When a document is in the status “Signed”, so everyone in the signature process is done, it cannot be changed anymore. You have a legally binding and valid contract in place. You may create a copy of that envelope, correct the typos and resend it to everyone for signature in a new envelope, referencing the old envelope and stating somewhere that this will replace the previously signed document.

If the document was not yet signed by everyone, you are still able to void the process and prevent the wrong document being signed by everyone to reach it’s final state. Then the process is the same, create a copy of the envelope, make the changes and send it for signature. In this scenario no need to add a statement about it replacing the previous one, as it was not fully signed and there is basically no contract in place.


Thank you for your reply.

I will add the workflow to reference the old document will be replaced the previously signed document.
