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When Document Custom Fields are updated under Settings, are they automatically updated in the templates which are already using those document custom fields?

Hello, @Laronda 


If you modify a Custom field in the Settings are they will not be automatically updated in the templates where they appear. You must edit the Template then add again the new modified Custom Field and delete the old one.

I hope that helps.





Actually that makes it a little more difficult because I’ll have to go change all our templates that use these Document Custom fields. I will definitely have to consider other options.

Thank you.

Have a good day,


Hi @Laronda,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Actually, I had a copy of the new information and edited each drop-down that needed to be updated.  It was easier because there were a lot of conditional drop-downs and this way I didn’t have to redo the conditions.


Thank you.

Hi @Laronda,


I hope you are doing well, I am glad to hear that you were able to find a solution for this. let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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