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I am using electronic signatures for my own personal use for the first time (outside buying a home- didn't set any of that up!).

I needed a blogger to sign something allowing me to copy a script she wrote.  I created it on this site and sent it. She said in a personal email that she signed it. My account said she opened and viewed it, and its status is "Waiting for Others." I don't see a signature anywhere.  Do I just resend? I imagine it would be pretty simple to sign. 

Is there something about being in my free trial that would keep me from seeing the signed document? Or do I just need to resend and contact her? 


As a Sender you should have received an email after the envelope was completed.  Also you are stating you see the envelope and its still "Waiting for Others" so thats two signs that they didnt actually sign it.  Sometimes I have seen the process to take a few minutes for the envelope status to update but never more than 5 minutes.  I would "Resend" and then have a phone call with the signer, just to go through the process.  Also just to verify when you sent the initial envelope, you added a Signature field somewhere to the document?
