I have set up a shared envelope for our team, and the documents once sent moves to a shared envelope so everyone can see movement, the issue that comes up is we get asked what stage the documents are for signing, as none of the team get notifications as all the notification emails get emailed to the shared email address. Is there anyway that the original user can get the notifications instead as the only way of knowing if any movement is checking the sent box on DocuSign as the shared envelope as over 30 people added and looking through the emails is not the best or easiest way.
Is there anyway of adding that person who sent originally
I know we can added a cc in the signatures but they only get a notification once everything is completed not at different stages of the envelope, like someone has viewed or witness has signed or its with another person now. like if we sent from our personal envelope we would get updates on each step and thats what we need.
I do have admin rights so if there is something i can change please also let me know
Thanks i hope someone can help