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I want a collegue within my company to review a document that I am planning to send out to an external party. I want him to receive a copy, and approve prior to me creating the envelop to send.

Is this doable within DocuSign workflow, or should I do the review outside DocuSign workflow?


I don't know of a way to get a copy to the coworker prior to sending the envelope.  However, you might consider adding your coworker as a signer at routing order 1 with an approve tag and then adding the other signer at routing order 2.  The approve tag won't show up on the document, but the envelope history will record your coworker's approval.


Thanks for your response. However, I do not want the coworker to tbe the first signer. He should be the last signer, after the external party signs. Does your proposal address this?

You mentioned you wanted approval prior to going to the external party, so in a DocuSign workflow, it seems necessary to include the coworker first.  Just because the coworker has a recipient type of signer, doesn't mean that the coworker signs anything.  The coworker clicks Approve and then the envelope moves on to the external signer.  If you need the coworker to sign after the external signer, you can add the coworker again as a signer at routing order 3 with the necessary signature tags.

Thanks - exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you to all who replied!  

Question …..  where is the “Approve” button for the manager to check-mark?

I’ve sent a document to “View”. Once showing as “completed”, I can’t tell whether it was approved or not.

Am I missing something?
