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We are attempting to use the Outlook plugin to digatalize customers signing our Hire Agreements. We are using two different templates for the two different types of hire we offer.

When the template is chosen DocuSign does not pickup the message text assigned to that template. The message text simply reads 'Please sign the document' as shown in the screenshots.

It has been suggested by DocuSign to whitelist the IP addresses and the DocuSign domains. I have whitelisted the IP's provided to me in our firewall and added the domains, and to both the firewall and 365 admin config but the problem still persists. The Outlook plugin has been deployed from 365 admin. I have tried removing the plugin and deploying it again after making the changes in the firewall config and 365.

The template populates the text using OWA in a browser however it doesn't using a desktop version of Outlook (Microsoft®️ Outlook®️ for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2307 Build 16.0.16626.20170) 64-bit). What does this point to as the problem?

Thanks in advance.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I understand you would like to use the email message applied to the template when selecting to use it in the Outlook App.

Can you try clearing the default message ("Please sign the document") before selecting the template?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!


This seems to work! I never thought to try this.

It adds an extra step to the process but at least our message text appears. Is there no way it can be blank to start with so staff can select the matching template? Otherwise staff need to cancel matching templates, scroll down and delete text, then go back up to apply template.

Another thing, can the Email Subject be the document name? I have read that this is possible.

Thanks for your help!


Thank you for reaching back.

Unfortunately, no, the email subject and email message will always show populated with default wording. Regarding the subject, when applying a template, the subject will always show the one on the template.

Can you try removing the subject line on the template and leaving it blank? And then apply the template to the uploaded document.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!


I tried leaving the subject line blank but it wasn't permitted.

What I did instead is once I had chosen the template click twice on 'Custom email and language for each recipient' and this seems to fill the subject line with the document name.

In regards to the template text I had a call with DocuSign Support today. The outcome is as follows:

Issue highlighted - Static Message in Template not pulling across after Template matching through DocuSign for Outlook integration process. You also confirmed a workaround you have found which seems to work if default text is deleted.

Next action - We need to invest root cause of issue and get back to you.

To manage expectation, please be aware that this may be a product issue which may take a while to investigate and resolve. However, we aim to get back to you as soon as possible with a resolution.

Thanks for your help.
