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Is there a way to modify an underlying uploaded document before sending- or reupload but keep the fields for signatures you put? The use case is I had to change a value from 30 to 60 days- that's it, but I had to start from scratch, wasting an hour of work of drag and drop. This is a trivial problem for most types of apps and there are multiple solutions- let you modify on the fly- and it wasn't based on a pdf but an editable word type doc from google drive- or let you white out and write new text, before sending- or let you refresh the document from google drive while keeping the fields (because the locations didn't change - that could be the user's responsibility).

These should be implemented. They don't seem like complicated features. Should a person have a perfect document before they start? Sure. Of course. Do you want to painstakingly go over every line for marginal benefit in most cases, versus just getting something started? And what if there is a legitimate change or renegotiation for no fault of any user? Is this possible, because if so I didn't see it.

The core of Docusign is great. I like it, but the UX has always left room for improvement in my opinion- case in point this, or that if it can be done, it is not more intuitive to find.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.  

I am sorry to hear that you had trouble replacing your envelope's document.

For future instances, you are allowed to replace a document in an envelope or template as long as no fields have been completed in it.

This can be done through the "Replace" button offered as part of the document's actions menu (the three dots menu at the bottom right corner of the document).

You can find detailed steps on this process, here:

Delete or replace a document

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator 

"Select as Bestbelow if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue! 

I saw the option to replace a document but I think it wipes the other clean does it not? That way I lose all the fields I put in place.

I'm learning about templates. I'm saving what I created and just sent as a template to see what comes up. Another piece of advice is to not require all signers to be known and included when a template is created, but that there will be such a signer. For example if I know I'm going to have a tenant, but don't know the name and email, because I haven't met them yet, why can't this just be like a variable which take run-time inputs- where they are kind of like placeholders? To me this is common sense. I created a template before completing the doc but since I'm the only known signer, I had to manually add the tenant fields. I know there will always be at least one tenant so why can't i just have a placeholder? Then when I use a template, I can give the name and email. This should be implemented yesterday if you want to stay current.

Thanks for your quick response though. You should pass this on to your product managers and design teams.


Thank you for following up.

The Replace document option allows you to change the document and exchange it for a new version of it while keeping all your fields and recipient configuration.

You can find more details on this topic, here:

Delete or replace a document

Regarding the scenario in which your tenant's name will be changing, the easiest way to approach this would be to "Apply" your template to the document with the tenant's name on it.

This will allow you to apply all the fields and recipient configuration to the new document version you have uploaded.

For detailed steps on this process, see:

Apply templates manually

Also if you are looking to go a step further and automate the process a bit more, you might want to look into our Automatic Template Matching feature, which allows you to automatically apply a matching template to the documents you upload.

You can find more information on how to work with Automatic Template Matching in the guide provided below.

How template matching works

Please don't hesitate in letting me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will address them as soon as possible. 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator 

"Select as Bestbelow if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue! 
