Hello! Is there a maximum number of people who can sign the document? We are expecting more than 100 signatures on one PDF. Is that possible in DocuSign?
Hello! Is there a maximum number of people who can sign the document? We are expecting more than 100 signatures on one PDF. Is that possible in DocuSign?
Yes, the maximum limit is 100 recipients in the signature workflow at the moment.
What kind of document do you have that requires more than 100 signatures on it?
Is it possible to split the single document into multiple envelopes to achieve this?
Hello! We are a part of a big project that involves a lot of companies with 2-3 people who need to sign in each company. So we are preparing a single document that should be signed by all those people and should contain all their signatures. It is not possible as I understood from your previous message, right? I think 2 envelopes is not an option for us, since we need just one document with all the signatures
You can create an envelope with the first up to 100 recipients and have them all signed. Then you need to forward the completed envelope from DocuSign and add the additional up to 100 recipients to it, etc.
The result will be a single document with all signatures and you will have two certificates of completion if you forward once.
Be aware that if any of the signers declines to sign, you need to restart the whole process. From my experience there is a high risk that this happens with a high number . So you need to educate all recipients properly before.
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Best regards,
Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Is this also true during the free trial? I am currently struggling to add 15 signers to a document.
Yes, I am not aware of any specific limitation in the trial version. What are you struggling with?
What is the best way to send a waiver to all guests (400) attending an event?
Hope this helps,
Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner
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