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I would like to add an "approver" to the signing order of documents with multipe stakeholders. I do not want the "approver" to sign/initial - I just want them to be a gatekeeper. I have read this feature exists, but I cannot locate it on Web. 

What version/plan do I need to use this feature? 

You're actually referring to the Approve Button rather than an Approve type of recipient.

There are many( field types within DocuSign. The Approve/Decline buttons are two of them. Simply place them on the document as associated with your gatekeeper role, which is a signing role. Make sure that the other recipients are after them in the signing order. Then your gatekeeper will receive the envelope and will either Approve or Disprove the envelope, and it will either void or progress onward as needed. The Approve button won't appear on the final envelope, but the information will be shown in the history.

Hope this helps.
