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How do you send an unsigned document to a recipient who is not signing? Trying to send a copy to our Accounting Dept when it is issued and before it is signed or executed


Use the Recipient Type of "carbon copy". Lets say you want to add Accounting to the workflow at several points in the signing process even before the document has been signed. In this scenario, use a Recipient Order and then add the Accounting email address (set as 1 in the order) and the Recipient Type as carbon copy prior to the "Needs to Sign", then it routes to signers (set as 2 in the order ), then Accounting gets another carbon copy once there is a competed document (set as 3 in the order).


David has provided an excellent response!

I will add, if you do not want the Envelope to be automatically sent to the next recipient in the Signing

Order before the account team has time to review the contents, you may use the "Approve" field. The Approve field will not show on the completed version of the document, but it will also not be sent to the next recipient until Approve is selected by the accounting recipient. If the account team was to select Decline, this would Void the Envelope, so corrections could be made and a new Envelope sent.

Kind Regards,


Community Moderator

Thank you both, you resolved my question :)
