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When on the “Manage” page in “Sent Items, “ how can I “select all” instead of clicking each individual box?

@TNWLC There is no “Select All” option.  Makes for a useful feature request but I think there would need to be a revamp of the display page that appears.  If you go to Manage the envelopes appear based on the Filters and populate further by scrolling to load the next set of envelopes.  There is no option to set a specific number of envelope to display per page so I think a “Select All” could be interpreted as just the envelope you see on the display or it could mean every single envelope within the parameters of the filter.  Either way there is no “Select All” on the Manage page after you go into a folder.


While there is no “Select all” option that is visible, you are actually able to select multiple envelopes using a combination of keyboard shortcut and mouse clicks to do so.

  1. Click the checkbox next to the first envelope
  2. Hold down the Shift key and click on checkbox next to another envelope , e.g. number 5
  3. You will see that all envelopes from number one to number five have been selected
  4. You can unselect envelopes by holding the option key (on a Mac), e.g. number 3

There is a limit on how many envelopes you can select at once, which I think was 50 at a time. You will receive an error message stating this limit when you try to select more than what is allowed.

I hope this helps! Unfortunately. I don’t know the Windows keys from the top of my head to name them, but it is probably the Shift key and Alt key. Just try & error. 😀
