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We have documents that often required 5-10 signatures within the document.

I want to set my boss as the reviewer first and then the 10 signatures after that. However when i send to him he can't see the signatures boxes within the document of who will actually "sign" after he has viewed.

The purpose of him reviewing is to make sure i have set the right people up in the signature chain etc. Is there a way for him to view all those signatures etc within the envelope? Then once he approves it goes out for the signatures?

Thanks so much!

The question is what is the "Recipient Type" you are setting for your boss as this "Reviewer"? If you are using "Needs to View" or "Receives a Copy", or eve "Needs to Sign" those Recipient Types are not sufficient for him to be able to see the Signature blocks or review the envelope Recipients prior to the envelope being sent. On a side note you do not actually see the Signature block of other Recipients until they have actually signed. However, if you set your boss up as "Allow to Edit" then they have the same options you have as the Sender and they could review or "Manage" the envelope, change or validate Recipients and see all Recipient fields prior to finishing their "Allow to Edit" process and hence continuing the envelope process. So "Allow to Edit" should fulfill this need. "Allow to Edit" is called a manager recipient type and is outlined further in the DocuSign article....

​David - thank you so much. Turns out we don't have the option to "Allow to Edit" in the implementation of Docusign we have done. Guess its back to screen sharing your doc before you send it.


Well in theory the "Needs to View" could provide some information although no control. So once the email notification us delivered to your Boss he could review the additional Recipients prior to actually viewing it by going into the Manage, Inbox. If he sees a Recipient incorrect he could notify you via call or email to "correct" prior to actually "viewing" it and hence holding up the process of the envelope.

​yeah we were looking at 'needs to view' as the way to do this originally. But you don't actually get to see the physical signature boxes in docusign - you just see the document. I will have a look on the manage, inbox route to see if that gives more info.


Just checked and yeah that doesn't give us what we need. I've asked the admins if that option can be unhidden for us. Thanks again David.

But you would see the Recipients and their actions taking into account that anyone who is set to "Needs to Sign would likely be taking an action like Signing. But you are correct that you do not see the physical signature boxes in that "mode" whereas "Allow to Edit" you could.
