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Business Requirement: 


  1. Allow users to bulk send documents to multiple people for signature. 
  2. The email content sent to different recipients should contain their names and positions, therefore should be dynamic values. 
  3. The names and position data are included in the bulk send csv import file .


So how can we ensure the email content sent to the people contains unique values based on who we send to ?  


For Example, person A’s name:  David, position:  CEO,  person B’s name:  Rob, position: Manager


In the email content: 

When send to David, the email shows as ‘Hi David, please sign the document for position ‘CEO’. 

When send to Rob, the email shows as ‘Hi Rob, please sign the document for position ‘Manager’ 


Yes, It is possible to include those, if they are actually Envelope Custom Fields.

Examples: [[ECF:ECF field name]], [[Role_UserName]], [[Role_Email]]

You can find more details in this Docusign Support Article.

Hi Golding


The short answer is: No. What you need is Document Custom Field and NOT Envelope Custom Fields (I know it’s tricky)
I’ve recorded this quick video for you to give you more context

Hope this helps,
Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner

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@sofian_solusign @Golding 

Thank you for sharing and pointing out the important different between a document custom field and an envelope custom field. I want to add that you are able to set both type of custom fields via the CSV file in Bulk Send. So it is possible to achieve, but you may need to add a field, like position twice:

  1. for a specific recipient as a document custom field (to be merged)
  2. an envelope custom field (to be used in the email notification)


@Michael.Rave, that’s interesting, I’ve never seen this being mentioned in the documentation anywhere. Do you have a support article that shows that?

I might be a little slow here 😅 but can you provide an example?

Say we have a column in the CSV called ‘EIN’

What would be the syntax you’d use in the template email body/email message to reference that ‘EIN’ column in Excel?


I am actually not sure this is documented in a single place in Docusign Support, but I can tell you from my experience that this is something that has been implemented for various customers already and working.

  1. Create a envelope custom field (ECF) called “EIN” first in the account or on the template.
  2. Then add a column with name “EIN” to the CSV file to pre-fill that ECF via bulk send.
  3. Include the envelope custom field into the email message or body to appear.
  4. Send an envelope and use bulk send feature to upload the prepared CSV file to pre-fill.

The Docusign Support Article on Use Merge Fields in the Template Email Subject to Customize Envelopes contains the above mentioned ECF syntax.

The Sample-Bulk-Recipient CSV file that you can download for Bulk Send contains ECF examples columns and just need to be configured to the actual names, e.g. EIN here.

Putting these puzzle pieces together will result in the solution above, which fulfils that requirement.

@Michael.Rave thanks for letting me know.

So even though it’s not an actual ECF, following the ECF syntax works… ok!

I’ll test this!


It is an actual ECF that gets it’s filled from the CSV file used for bulk sending similar to not manually filling the document custom fields and using the CSV file to accomplish that.

The second part is just how to leverage an ECF in the email subject or body as document custom fields cannot be used here.

Good luck with testing and have a great day!


I am actually not sure this is documented in a single place in Docusign Support, but I can tell you from my experience that this is something that has been implemented for various customers already and working.

  1. Create a envelope custom field (ECF) called “EIN” first in the account or on the template.
  2. Then add a column with name “EIN” to the CSV file to pre-fill that ECF via bulk send.
  3. Include the envelope custom field into the email message or body to appear.
  4. Send an envelope and use bulk send feature to upload the prepared CSV file to pre-fill.

The Docusign Support Article on Use Merge Fields in the Template Email Subject to Customize Envelopes contains the above mentioned ECF syntax.

The Sample-Bulk-Recipient CSV file that you can download for Bulk Send contains ECF examples columns and just need to be configured to the actual names, e.g. EIN here.

Putting these puzzle pieces together will result in the solution above, which fulfils that requirement.

Hi Mrave


Really appreciate the solution you provided.  I tried this morning and confirmed it works perfectly fine.  
