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I have a formula field on my document which uses a dropdown field, the dropdown field choices are 1 or 2.  Dropdown field name is #Spots.

The formula is #Spots] * 100.

The document shows the formula value as matter if 1 or 2 is selected in the #Spots.

Why isn’t the formula field populating with either 100.00 or 200.00 based on the formula?


Hello, @jsquared 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


I just did it using the same dropdown name with 10 and 20 as values.

A formula field l#Spots] * 100

It’s working.

I’m using a sandbox account so I can send the envelope to be tested without using my production account. You can create a sandbox account too if you’re doing tests.






How are you doing to test if that works?

Thank so much for responding Alexandre!  I am working in Developer’s area.

Here is what I have in the template:

Here is the Formula in the template:

:Here is what the signed form returned.  NOTE:  I chose ‘2’ when completing the form:


This formula field, when set up in the live account, will also be a collect payment field.  I didn’t want to set up the payment links in Developer’s so I am hoping all will work once this issue is corrected :-)

Hi, @jsquared 

Have you tested it in an envelope without a Template?


I did this:


Double check if you have these configured in your dropdown field:


I created an envelope with all the fields and formulas that I need.

Sent the envelope then in the Manage page I use the option Save as Template.

Try this, perhaps is something broken in your current template.


I tested as an envelope and it works correctly.  However - I failed to mention the test I am testing the same form in Web Forms. 

My client’s application for this process requires a Web form for a select group to eliminate having to manually send envelopes. 

I checked in Web Forms and it showed this in the dropdown -  I edited it to get rid of the _ before each number and is didn’t work.  When I went back in to edit the form the _ was back:


I am going to see what happens using a Power Form and see what results I get. But, I really prefer the Web Form b/c it will give me a data file that will make life much easier.

I’ll keep you posted.  And thanks again for your help!

UPDATE:  It works in envelopes, in Power Forms, but does not work in Web Forms 😪

Found below on the DocuSign website.  So another brick wall for Web Forms.  I’ll have to go with Power Forms.

Your generosity is so appreciated.  Let me know if there is a way to recognize you in this forum.



Hi @jsquared,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested or if the information that was provided was useful.


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
