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The feature to send an enveope to a contact person who nominates the signatories is very useful. Anyway one has to define the roles and thus define the number of signatories, which in many cases is not known.

It would be helpful to have a feature to let it up to the receiver how many signatories are put in. E.g. I would define the role CEO as signatory and send it to the assistant and he/she could add more than one person. In this case the signature field would represent the signature of the first signatory and maybe a note "+ 3 signatories" or something like this.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I understand you would like a recipient to add signers to the document without the need for the sender to do so.

There is a role that currently exists in DocuSign called "Specify Recipients" that allows a designated person, added by the sender, to add several recipients to the envelope if needed:

You can also add a separate private message to this designated person in the recipient's section of the envelope, please view the following article:

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Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thanks for the answer. I know the feature mentioned. But in my every day life I ofently do not know what are the exact roles and how many will sign - it depends on the internal rules of my contract partner. I would like to add one manager at my partner (e.g. the legal department) and say "specify recipients" and he/she could specify an unlimited number of signatories. In the document there could be ONE signature and e.g. "3 other signatories" to indicate the number - the rest would be in protocl.
