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I am facing a problem in template matching. Below steps describe the problem

  1. An agreement is generated from our loan system in PDF
  2. I use this agreement (10 pages) to set up my template i.e. create placeholders for Signatures and Date Signed (these are on page 10 i.e. last page) (I add a location "auto place" to these fields based on a key word)
  3. To test the template, I upload the same PDF into an envelope, the template match works perfectly
  4. Now to test whether my location auto place is working correctly
    • I take a print out of the PDF through which I had set up the template
    • Insert a blank A4 paper to make it page no. 10 so that page 11 is the one on which customer is supposed to sign (agreements for different customers can run into different no. of pages)
    • Total pages now are  11
    • I scan these 11 pages as a PDF with page 10 being the blank page and page 11 as the page where the customer should sign
  5. The scanned PDF is uploaded in an envelope, but no template match is suggested by the system
  6. even using the "apply template" option does not work as signature tag is not created after applying the correct template

Can someone guide me what the problem could be?


You might try:

1)  Selecting "Include in matching" for the template if you haven't already

2)  Adjusting template match sensitivy in your user preferences 

3)  Adding IDR zones

Also, it sounds like you are saying even if you apply the template manually, autoplace is not populating the tag on the last page.  If you add a tag to the envelope manually (not through the template) and autoplace it, does the tag appear on the last page?

Thanks for your response.

  1. The template I created is marked as "Include is template matching"
  2. Template sensivity is set at 40%
  3. IDR zones - I dont know what this feature is . Having searched this on forum here, there is a thread which mentions that this is in classic experience where as I am in New DocuSign experience.
  4. If I need to place the sign tag manually in the envelope I dont have to use auto-place. I am able to put the tag at the required place

I have also done another test which has left me confused

  1. Created a 2 page letter on MS Word with signature field on page 2 along with a unique key word for use in auto place
  2. Used this MS word file to create a template
  3. Printed the 2 pages in MS word and scanned into a PDF
  4. Uploaded the PDF into an envelope (there is no change in content as 2 pages in PDF as word to word same as the file used in template creation)
  5. No template match suggested by DocuSign
  6. Manual template application failed to put the sign tag at the required field



In NDSE, you can add IDR zones by going to the Tag page and clicking on the gear in the upper-right corner of the screen.  An "Add IDR Zones" option should be available there.

It may be helpful to test if you can AutoPlace a tag you add manually.  If AutoPlace fails in that case, we can eliminate templates from the troubleshooting process and determine if something is wrong with the document content.  
