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Where are the documents I signed more than 6 months ago?  I need them for my taxes but it only shows the last 6 months of documents.  I cant find them anywhere.  Banks keep all information available online for at least 18 months...until the tax deadline has passed so that customers can easily access the information when it is needed for taxes. 


Is there an easy way to access my missing documents or does docusign just delete everything over 6 months old leaving customers with no information when its time to do their taxes?


Hello, @tom4444 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


First of all, Docusign never deletes customers’ envelopes. All envelopes will be kept along the contract’s duration, if a customer does not renew with Docusign so they will have 30 days to download all their envelopes for another repository.

Read this article: How long does Docusign store my documents?


Now, if you or anybody else in your account didn’t delete your envelopes they will be there in your Inbox folder, use the Search box together filters to find what you’re looking for. See an example in the figure:


I hope that helps!



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