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I have created a custom text field because I want the char limit to be much more than 4000.  

I have added the custom text field in my template and the new char limit I specified works

Here is the issue:

Once someone inputs text in the first field, it is repeating / automatically copying that text in all of the custom text fields in the template.  For example, the first custom text field asks the user for their favorite 3 colors: The user enters blue white and green

The next custom text field (which is asking for different information) is auto populating with the text provided in the first  entered custom text field.  The next custom text field asks for 3 favorite foods - it is auto populating with the 3 colors entered in the first field.  Why is this happening??

Any help would be much appreciated!


@Barry Goldstein  What you are experiencing is called “data replication. This happens when multiple field shave the same Data Label.  You need to edit the Template and edit each DocuSign field to make it unique such as adding a number to the end “Text1”, “Text2” etc. Save changes to the Template and the data replication should disappear. Data Labels are found to the right panel after highlighting the field in question.

Thanks David !  So...every custom text field almost needs to be uniquely named if they are asking for different text?

I have 8 text fields in my template that I want to be over 4K in char limit so I will have to create 8 custom text fields correct?

Am I imaging this - but when you use the default / delivered Text field - you do not have this issue correct? 

Really appreciate the help!


@Barry Goldstein When you drop new Text fields each field has a unique data label. When a field is copied and pasted to a new location the data label is unique as well as it adds some additional GUD values, but I see alot of Users who edit to make the Data Labels all the same, which is valid if the data in one field is going to be “exactly” the same in the other fields as data replication can save Recipient time. In terms of the custom field the Data Label is the same each time you drop the field but after you drop the field from the Custom Field list you can still alter the Data Label prior to saving the Template. So ease of use wise I would say to create 8 different custom fields. Alternative is to create one custom field and then alter that fields properties but if forgotten it can lead to this data replication situation.
