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Good day all, I hope you can assist.

Our company uses DocuSign to sign up new clients. After all relevant parties have signed and the completed agreement is received, we manually send out an email to welcome the client with our company profile as an attachment. Is there a way to set up DocuSign so that it sends out the welcome email as an automated mail to all signatories after the contract has been signed? 

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


Docusign eSignature only sends out email notifications related to the signature workflow. You cannot send custom emails via Docusign as we are not a mail provider.

You could achieve this in a several ways outside of Docusign eSignature:

  1. With Docusign CLM you could have these extras steps in a workflow after signature.
  2. Power Automate could be triggered after the envelope completes to send out the email
  3. Any other API development could be done to be triggered and send out the welcome email

Hi Michael,


Thank you so much for your response. Could you please elaborate a bit more on DocuSign CLM? Is this a separate license we need to add to our existing DocuSign account? And which option would we need to choose in order to send out the automated email with an attachment after signing?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Docusign CLM stands for Contract Lifecycle Management and goes beyond eSignature. It focuses on the creation of agreements, including approval, redlining, negotiation internally and externally. It stores the documents in a central repository and makes the contract searchable through attributes, optionally leveraging AI technology to automatically extract values from the agreements.

CLM highly customisable, especially in terms of the workflow functionality and it would be easy to include a step to send an email after eSignature. If you do not have DocuSign CLM right now, this use case would probably be too small to justify an investment in CLM, which offers much more than this email workflow.
