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Are there any manager reports that can see a list of what's pending and what's completed based off of each of their shared users?  OOB it looks like they have to click one by one on each user's shared envelopes to see this information.

It'd be beneficial at a Manager level to see a dashboard of pending and completed information in a time frame of all of their employees.  


Have you tried the Envelope Recipient Report (available on the REPORTS tab) yet?  Depending on what you're looking for, that report might meet your needs.  You can see the sender, recipient, and status of envelopes in the account.

the data there is exactly what I need as long as the manager is CC'ed on all of the envelopes.  (Or added as a Viewer).  However, could we sum this up more so they simply have the counts at a Sender level?

Also in the developer sandbox I see no "Delivered" statuses when I do have some out there  in that stage.  I need to verify this is simply a "Sandbox" issue that that status doesn't get set there.  i have tested this in the Trial version and that status does get set.

The User Activity Report summarizes info by sender.  You could try that.  

I'm not sure what you mean about it being necessary for a manager to be a recipient on the envelopes.  Are you an account admin?  On the Envelope Recipient Report, you should be able to see activity from envelopes sent by users in your account without you being a recipient in the envelope.

Regarding "Delivered" status ... in the Envelope Recipient Report, the Status column provides the envelope status and the Action column provides the recipient status.

Thank you, one last question:  I have setup a user recipient report related to a specific group of users.  I would like their manager to have access to that report.  It looks like the only way this is possible is via setting up a schedule and having that report emailed to them.  Managers should not have full Admin access, and my manager test account cannot see the report in the "Reports" tab on DocuSign.  Is there a way to get this report visible in the docusign portal?

I don't think there's a way to make an admin report available to a non-admin in the UI.  Scheduling may be the only option.

Thank you, one more question.  :)  I see Custody Transfer as an option for Delegation in the Admin section, for Administrators.  Is there a way for a user to delegate their access to another user when they are on vacation so Admins don't have to do this?  What is standard practice for this?

Custody transfer helps manage ownership of envelopes you send.  If you are trying to avoid having envelopes waiting around in Inboxes in your account, sharing the folder of the vacationer with another user could help (an account admin would have to do this though).  Maybe someone else here knows of a way?  Also, Signing Groups may be helpful here.  If you send to a signing group, anybody in the group can sign.

That's always what we're trying to avoid as an IT department is having to do these kind of requests.  I see users can transfer ownership of single envelopes, but that's not what I'm interested in.  I would also like to know if there's an option for say a "Sales Admin" to always be a delegate for thier team's Manager.  

Also that user guide for signing groups is not correct.  I added a group called "Resi Sales Manager".  Added one person to the group.  The group is not coming up when searching from contacts.  And I can't add that group to my contacts.  Any ideas?

In your admin console, did you add a Group or a Signing Group?  If I add a Signing Group with just one member, I'm able to find it by typing the name in the Name field in Sending or by clicking on the icon next to the name and searching for the group.  Groups that are not signing groups will not show up in Sending.

There is no signing group.  I'm still in sandbox mode (  This may be why.  Doing some googling it looks like this is disabled in trial editions. -- Probably is as well on a sandbox.
