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Why is docusign stating that I am out of envelopes when I hav docusign personal and have only sent 1 this month?

  • 7 March 2019
  • 2 replies

Hi, I paid for a year of docusign personal last August. I get 5 sends a month and have only sent 1 this month, yet docusign states that I am out of envelopes and it is asking me to upgrade. Has anyone else encountered this? I am on hold with docusign currently and hoping to get an answer but wanted to also post here just in case. Thank you in advance if anyone can help out!

I was under the impression that the envelope reset happened based on when the Account was created or started, so is it possible the reset of the envelopes did not happen yet in your Account?

Also even envelopes that were sent and later "voided" are still counted.

Please post your resolution if you are able to talk with DocuSign Support for future Community members who may experience the same issue.


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In your case, a new allotment of envelopes will be added to the account on the 11th. The allotment goes by the day that you signed up for the account; it doesn't go by a true calendar month.


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