Hello, @Servesh
If I understood well, I would suggest this:
In your workflow, why Legal cannot add the Stamp since they are approving?
Hi @Alexandre.Augusto , the legal stamping needs to be happen after the approvals have been completed, not simultaneously. I’m using Adobe sign plugin for signature and stamp. I’m using Review and send for signature step to define the approver and signer and have disabled the Signature ordered to send the approvals to the group in parallel (legal not in this group). Then this document needs to get stamped by legal. If I enable the Signature ordered, the sequence for stamping works if I add legal here itself, but then the approver group doesn’t get the task simultaneously. I’ve created a group for the approvers and not using a variable with multiple emails. Please let me know if you need any other details. Thank you for your time.
Hello, @Servesh
When ordering signers, if you put the same number for both signer, they receive at same time, for example:
Ordered enabled
1 - John Doe
1- Mary Loo
2 - Paul Legal
2 - Luke Legal
It means: John and Mary will receive simultaneously and after both have signed then Paul and Luke will receive the envelope to sign, after both have signed the envelope is completed.
I Don’t know if that helps you on this case.
Hi @Alexandre.Augusto
Thank you for the reply. I believe this might be possible in eSignature but this doesn’t work in CLM. I can at most reorder the recipients but can’t manually assign a number. Had this been a feature, this would be the way to do it. Will be moving ahead with whatever I have for now. Any further recommendations are more than welcome.