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Composite Template - multiple server templates (including a single mutli-user signature page)

  • September 29, 2024
  • 1 reply


I’m been researching how to use Composite Templates now for a few weeks, and I have yet to really make sense of this. Here is my specific use case. I have several server templates created that have product specific contract language, and I have opted to create a single signature page, which has signature blocks for the service-provider, and the client, along with 2 additional optional client signature blocks.


Based upon the products sold to the client, the envelope would have 1, 2 or 3 contracts (server templates), along with the signature page (also a server template). Each contract/template contains tab data that would be pre-populated by the service-provider role and sent during envelope creation. All users will be sent all documents in the envelope, and expected to sign the signature page, in recipient order.


I’ve attempted to use the eSign API explorer for create:Envelope to attempt to assemble some reasonable JSON, however this tool is terribly hard to use with long scrolling bars and confusing embedded duplicate structures. Additionally, there is no way to resume a timed-out session by uploading previously saved JSON during the testing process.


  1. Please tell me there is an easier way to do this!
  2. Also, given my specific use case scenario above, I would greatly appreciate a high-level layout of the JSON that would be needed to accomplish this.

Thank you in advance.




1 reply

  • Docusign Employee
  • 17 replies
  • October 14, 2024

In your use case, each composite you define will include a serverTemplate (your template id) and an inlineTemplate (your recipient information).  Simple two template example below.

    "emailSubject": "DocuSign Widget Order and NDA",
    "emailBlurb": "Please let us know if you have any questions.",
    "status": "sent",
    "compositeTemplates": [
            "serverTemplates": [
                    "sequence": "1",
                    "templateId": "{{NDA Template}}"
            "inlineTemplates": [
                    "sequence": "1",
                    "customFields": {
			    	"textCustomFields": [
			    			"name": "customerID",
			    			"value": "0980981",
			    			"show": "true"
                    "recipients": {
                        "signers": [
                                "email": "{{Signer Email}}",
                                "name": "{{Signer Name}}",
                                "roleName": "Customer",
                                "recipientId": "1",
                                "tabs": {
									"textTabs": [
											"tabLabel": "company",
											"value": "ABC Corporation"
                                "email": "{{Sender Email}}",
                                "name": "{{Sender Name}}",
                                "recipientId": "2",
                                "roleName": "Legal"
            "serverTemplates": [
                    "sequence": "1",
                    "templateId": "{{Order Template}}"
            "inlineTemplates": [
                    "sequence": "1",
                    "recipients": {
                        "signers": [
                                "email": "{{Signer Email}}",
                                "name": "{{Signer Name}}",
                                "recipientId": "1",
                                "roleName": "Customer"

