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Number of recipients and their actions are unkown

  • March 22, 2024
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our contract management has 2.000+ documents per year to be signed by our suppliers. Up to now we send all documents per letter. We would like to use DocuSign for this but there are some questions regarding unknown recipients.

For each supplier we only know the first contact person. What we do NOT know in the following process is:

  • if the first personen signs the document or not
  • to how many unknown recipients this person has to forward the document and
  • what the signing actions of those unknown persons will be: signing, just opening the document or forwarding it once again to another unknown number of signers

How can we solve this? It is not about the fact that we don´t know the names, it is about the unknown NUMBER of recipients and their ACTIONS.

We are aware of the fact that this is a major process problem but our contract management can not ask every supplier about their signing order in advance.

Many thanks for your replies!


Best answer by Glen.Steinhardt

Sorry...forgot to include some resources.

Here is a support article on Recipient Types... Specifically, the "Manager" recipient types, which describes the type I'm referring to:

Also, DocuSign University has a great class where we describe these in detail along with activities you can follow along with. That class is our "Advanced Sending class" if you are interested inegistering for that class, please see the link below.

Advanced Sending:


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Docusign Employee

Hi Katrin,

I might suggest you have a look at the different Recipient Types that eSignature offers in the envelopes you craft for sending.

For example, most folks who send out envelopes are aware that the default recipient type is a "Needs to Sign" recipient type. This recipient type means that you have added a field onto a document and that recipient assigned to this type has been tasked to act on that field.

However, there are numerous other recipient types that you can assign to your recipients. Based on your case, one that comes to mind is the "Specify Recipients" recipient type.

You can assign this recipient type to a recipient and as soon as they open the envelope, they will be presented with a window asking who the next recipient should be...their name and their email address. Upon submission, we will direct that envelope to that recipient. That recipient will then go in and act on the field assigned to them.

What that recipient is required to do in the envelope is dependent on how the envelope was configured.

All of this information is logged in the audit history and the certificate of completion.

I hope this helps!


Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
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  • March 22, 2024

Sorry...forgot to include some resources.

Here is a support article on Recipient Types... Specifically, the "Manager" recipient types, which describes the type I'm referring to:

Also, DocuSign University has a great class where we describe these in detail along with activities you can follow along with. That class is our "Advanced Sending class" if you are interested inegistering for that class, please see the link below.

Advanced Sending:


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  • March 22, 2024

Thanks for your reply but we tried this already. It is no solution for our problem that we do not know the number of unknown recipients when setting up the envelope. It could be one, two or 8 people. With “specify recipients” or “update recipients” I found that at least we need to know the number of signers,

Docusign Employee

Would it be possible to find out from the first recipient via a field on the envelope a listing of all of the recipients the envelope needs to be directed to next?

Perhaps you can acquire that information from the first recipient and after they add that information on a field, direct the envelope back to a DocuSign user assigned to the "Allowed to Edit" recipient type to correct the envelope and add the additional recipients acquired in that field to that envelope.

Here's more information on that recipient type.

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  • March 25, 2024

That´s an idea I will disuss with our contract management. 


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