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Multiple Recipients



I have a question about a template I created a few months ago. The templates first recipient populates data on the documents within the envelope and then two rcipients that must sign follow. When I originally designed and tested the template, the signers were only able to see only their form(as intended) and were able to edit the optional fields the first recipient may have filled in on their respective form. I just tested this and the signers can no longer edit any optional fields the first recipient could optionally fill out. Was this impacted by the Spring '18 release or is this functionality no longer offered? 

Thank you for your help in advance!


Best answer by Community Expert

Is your first recipient the actual Sender of the envelope? Because then what you should do is simply switch the fields to be under the actual Recipient that needs the ability to modify it. As the Sender they can input the data into the fields before the envelope is sent. That way the field is populated but the correct recipient and only the correct recipient can see/edit the data give Documnent Visibility.

If that first recipient isn't the sender. Then you can still do the same technique but it takes a little more work. Have that first recipient set as "Allow to Edit" instead of "Needs to Sign". The fields should still be applied to the later recipients, but the first recipient can now go into the Document through Correct and can update the fields as needed that are associated with the other recipients.

Hope this helps.

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In your template and envelopes created from that template, do those optional fields have the "Recipients Can Collaborate" box checked when you view the fields in Sending?


Hi there, 

That fucntionality will not suit our use case because that will allow every recipient to collaborate on that field, defeating the purpose of Document Visibility. 


I don't think I understand your scenario.  If signers were able to edit optional fields belonging to another recipient, it sounds like shared fields must have been enabled.  It sounds like you are saying shared fields are not enabled.  Are you saying that in a document visibility scenario, without the use of shared fields, a signer was able to edit the fields of another signer?


My apologies for the poor descritpion as the use case is rather difficult to describe. Allow me to correct my original description of the scenario.

The template we have has two documents, both only one page long, each with a signature block that is unique to the recipient accessing the envelope.

The first recipient is not a signer, they only pre-populate and approve the documents before they are sent to the clients. Aside from populating the required fields, they also have the ability to edit various optional fields(these optional fields are supposed to be editable by the clients as well). Once the data is approved, the envelope is sent to the clients. When a client opens the envelope, they should be able to see, modify and sign the document that pertains to them only. They should have no access to see the other recipients document which is not the problem. The problem we are encountering is that the client has no access to edit the optional fields that are on the document they need to sign.

I hope that gives a better understanding.


Thanks for the explanation.  I still don't understand one point.  Which recipient owns the optional tag that is not editable?  If the signer who cannot edit the optional tag is not the tag owner and the field is not shared and the markup feature is not enabled, I don't see how it would be possible for the signer to edit the tag in either Classic or New DocuSign.


Is your first recipient the actual Sender of the envelope? Because then what you should do is simply switch the fields to be under the actual Recipient that needs the ability to modify it. As the Sender they can input the data into the fields before the envelope is sent. That way the field is populated but the correct recipient and only the correct recipient can see/edit the data give Documnent Visibility.

If that first recipient isn't the sender. Then you can still do the same technique but it takes a little more work. Have that first recipient set as "Allow to Edit" instead of "Needs to Sign". The fields should still be applied to the later recipients, but the first recipient can now go into the Document through Correct and can update the fields as needed that are associated with the other recipients.

Hope this helps.