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Is there any way to see signer details without a Certificate of Completion?

  • December 10, 2024
  • 3 replies


I am a third party who is not the DocuSign envelope creator or sender, and I am not a signer of the document, but I am viewing a document that has multiple valid electronic signatures, each of which were applied via the DocuSign system. The document does not have the DocuSign Certificate of Completion appended to it. The author of the document has manually created signature fields for the signers, and the DocuSign system has applied, during the DocuSign process, the DocuSign Envelope ID number visible in the upper left corner of each page and the DocuSign signature manifestations visible in the signature fields of the document.

Without the DocuSign Certificate of Completion, is there any way that I can find out from the information that the DocuSign system has created during the signing process, not from the document’s author, the identity of each individual signer and the date of each signature as recorded or generated by the DocuSign system without my having to ask another party, such as the DocuSign company, the creator or sender of the document, or any of the signers?

The closest thing that I have been able to see is a single date of signature via the Signature Panel - Signature Properties, but that date appears to represent only the date from the last signature that was applied to the document.  

3 replies

Docusign Employee

Hello, ​@User8648 


Have you tried to ask the sender of the envelope to send a copy of the Certificate of Completion for you? It is not a problem, most of the customers send the CoC to their clients.

About authentication settings, valid credentials, etc is present in the CoC.

I don’t know any other method to verify that in an envelope, perhaps someone else here can help you.




  • Author
  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • December 10, 2024

Thank you, Alexandre, for your reply. That’s the problem: I’m unable to contact any of the individuals who were originally associated with the document. I think that appending the Certificate of Completion should be mandatory and automatic with DocuSign. The other issue that I have come upon is that some documents not only have multiple signers, it appears that different signers have used different electronic signing systems, for example, DocuSign vs Adobe Sign, on the same document. Therefore, I cannot not determine whether all electronic signatures are valid or not. For example, someone might electronically sign a document with DocuSign but then upload the signed document to Adobe Sign to obtain additional signatures. At that point, as I understand, the DocuSign signature is no longer valid, because the document has been modified by adding the Adobe signature. Such a situation cannot be confirmed if I cannot see something like a Certificate of Completion, which would identify which signatures on the document are valid and to whom they belong.

I think electronic signatures are fantastic and stronger than handwritten signatures on paper; however, very few people (VERY few) seem to understand how electronic signatures work, such as in the example I proposed, where someone takes a DocuSign’d document and thinks they can then apply an additional signature to it after it has been signed, but that constitutes a modification of the original document, which, thus, as I understand, breaks the validity of the original DocuSign signature.

  • Community Moderator
  • 2070 replies
  • December 31, 2024

​Hi ​@User8648,


I hope you are doing well.

I would like to confirm if the suggested solution answers your question?           

If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find. Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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