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Can I duplicate a whole page in a document before sending

  • August 27, 2024
  • 2 replies



I have a rental application that has some pages that only have space for one signature. but if i have multiple tenants who need to sign a duplicate of the same page I cannot find an easy way to add a copy of that page and assign it to the second tenant. is there a way to do this?

2 replies

Valued Contributor
  • Valued Contributor
  • 958 replies
  • August 27, 2024


To handle a situation where you need multiple tenants to sign a duplicate of the same page in a rental application, you can follow these steps in DocuSign:

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Prepare Your Document:

    • When preparing your document for sending, you can upload the rental application as usual.
  2. Duplicate the Page:

    • If you have multiple tenants and each needs to sign a separate copy of the same page, you can add the same page multiple times in the Add Documents section. To do this:
      • Upload the Page Again: You can simply re-upload the same page or the entire document if it is the same for each tenant. DocuSign allows you to upload multiple documents, and each document can be identical if needed.
      • Drag and Drop: After uploading the additional page(s), you can reorder the pages within the document editor to ensure they appear in the correct sequence.
  3. Assign Signers to the Correct Page:

    • Now that you have multiple copies of the page, you can assign each tenant to sign on a different copy:
      • Select the first page and assign the signature field to the first tenant.
      • Then, select the duplicate page and assign the signature field to the second tenant.
      • Repeat this process for any additional tenants.
  4. Finish and Send:

    • After assigning all the signature fields to the appropriate tenants on their respective pages, you can proceed to send the document as usual.

Alternative Method: Using Templates

If this is a recurring situation, you might want to consider creating a template with the duplicate pages already set up. This way, each time you need multiple tenants to sign, you can simply use the template, assign the signers, and send it out without needing to manually duplicate the pages each time.


  • Ensure that each duplicate page is clearly marked or identified in the document (e.g., "Tenant 1 Signature Page," "Tenant 2 Signature Page") to avoid any confusion for the signers.

This method should help you efficiently manage documents with multiple signers who need to sign the same page separately.

If you need more detailed steps on how to upload multiple documents or manage signers, let me know.

  • Community Moderator
  • 2070 replies
  • September 11, 2024

​Hi @BernieREBroker,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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