I’m working on a pledge document for a campaign. As I enter the fillable fields, I need to use numbers WITHOUT decimals (for dates and timeframe) but that isn’t an option in the number format section. Is there a way to do that? I’m stumped. Thanks! ss
If you need to use numbers without decimals for dates and timeframes but don't see that option in the number format section, you can try the following workaround:
Text Field: Instead of using a number field, use a text field. You can manually restrict input to numeric values only. Although it won’t enforce formatting as strictly as a number field, it will allow you to enter numbers without decimals.
Validation: If you want to ensure that the text field only accepts numeric input (without decimals), you can add a validation pattern. For example, you can use a regular expression like ^\d+$ to allow only whole numbers.
If you need to use numbers without decimals for dates and timeframes but don't see that option in the number format section, you can try the following workaround:
Text Field: Instead of using a number field, use a text field. You can manually restrict input to numeric values only. Although it won’t enforce formatting as strictly as a number field, it will allow you to enter numbers without decimals.
Validation: If you want to ensure that the text field only accepts numeric input (without decimals), you can add a validation pattern. For example, you can use a regular expression like ^\d+$ to allow only whole numbers.
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