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Hello could you clarify what the different Envelop status means? Thks a lot


Completed : I guess it means the contract creator and all partners signed the contract

Voided : ?

Sent : I guess it means the contract has been sent to the creator for signature. Does it in include also all partners?

Expired : ?

Deleted : ?

Declined : I guess it means that the contract creator or one of the partner refused to sign the contract

Correct: ?

Delivered: ?

Best answer by Community Expert


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community and thank you Matt for your help.

Voided: It means that the envelope is no longer valid, this can be a manual void (the sender chooses to do it) or an automatic void if the envelope is declined or expired. Once a document is voided it can not be unvoided, but it will remain in the account.

Expired: After a certain time, it could be determined during the creation of the envelope, or due to account default, the envelope becomes invalid and is voided.

Deleted: The envelope is manually removed from the account but it can be restored with the help of a Customer Support Agent or by searching for the envelope directly using the envelope ID.

Correct: This means that an in-process envelope (waiting for a signature) is being edited.

Delivered: The envelope was sent to the needed recipients and has been viewed by them.

For more information please view the article provided by Matt in the previous comment.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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This should help: Envelope Status



Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community and thank you Matt for your help.

Voided: It means that the envelope is no longer valid, this can be a manual void (the sender chooses to do it) or an automatic void if the envelope is declined or expired. Once a document is voided it can not be unvoided, but it will remain in the account.

Expired: After a certain time, it could be determined during the creation of the envelope, or due to account default, the envelope becomes invalid and is voided.

Deleted: The envelope is manually removed from the account but it can be restored with the help of a Customer Support Agent or by searching for the envelope directly using the envelope ID.

Correct: This means that an in-process envelope (waiting for a signature) is being edited.

Delivered: The envelope was sent to the needed recipients and has been viewed by them.

For more information please view the article provided by Matt in the previous comment.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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