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We have a record triggered flow that no user will be involved in. A web form will be coming in from our website and trigger the flow and if it meets certain criteria we want a DocuSign envelope to be sent to the two email addresses we have gathered in the process.  Again, we will not have a user clicking a button or interacting with the template/envelope at all.

When I test my flow, I get no errors but I also cannot find the DocuSign envelope that was created. We are using the standard ‘Send with DocuSign’ apex action within the flow. 

Is there a way to troubleshoot the standard apex action? 


Hello @etemkin,


Which managed package are you leveraging from Docusign? I’m guessing it’s a legacy version because your screen shot references “Envelope Configuration” instead of “Envelope Template”. If you are leveraging a legacy managed package and not DocuSign Apps Launcher, it will not work because the legacy version was designed with Process Builder. Not Flows.

If possible, I would recommend migrating to the latest managed package in order to take advantage of this feature. Create Send With Docusign Actions for Salesforce Flow.


Yes we are using Legacy. We are not quite ready to switch to Apps Launcher at this time although we are in trying to migrate. 

So because this is legacy and this action is built for Process there nothing we can do? 

Hello @etemkin,


Without Process Builder that Apex class will not get triggered. If you have the latest legacy managed package installed, you can run both packages in parallel. This would allow you to implement a new use case for automation with DocuSign Apps Launcher and give you more time to start migrating when it’s more convenient. One of the downsides from an administrative perspective is a lot of the objects and fields are named the same and it can get confusing to easily identify which is from which managed package.
