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Retrieve signed documents and attach them to Salesforce record

  • 19 August 2024
  • 1 reply

I have a use case, in which I need to generate an envelope with a document to sign, once generated collect the URL of the document to sign and return it in my Apex function (this URL is retrieved by another external service), once the customer has signed the document I need to attach it in Salesforce in the customer file. I need to do all this using the ApexToolkit.

@sergiosre You can find the Apex Toolkit guide at the below link:


The embedded signing guide for the Apex Toolkit is found here which you could use to generate the embedded signing link and pass it along. A general note is the embedded signing link is only valid for 5 minutes.


The actual endpoint being used is below and states “The returned URL can be used only once and expires after 5 minutes. Do not store or email the returned URL.“

The document writeback will occur automatically if you send and sign using the Apex Toolkit inside of Salesforce. 

DocuSign support can’t provide the exact code for you but if you run into an error that is where support can best assist. 
