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Hello, everyone! 

I have the following question. It would be great if someone could help me with this. Salesforce sends a document with account record data (Account object in Salesforce) for the client to sign using DocuSign. If the document is not signed by the client within 7 days, an email is sent to the client with the message:

"Documents for your DocuSign signature have been cancelled for the following reason:
Envelope expired."

Please tell me if I can and if so, how can I add a link to the triggered record (account record in Salesforce) under this message so that the answer looks like this.

"Documents for your DocuSign signature have been cancelled for the following reason:
Envelope expired."

Link: "link to account(triggered record) here"

Thank you all for your answers!


If you send the envelope from there should be several Envelope Custom Field (ECF) automatically created. One of them contains the record Id, you would need to check an existing envelope for the exact name of the field name.

You are able to include ECF with the following tag into the email resource file: [ECF:ECF field name]]

With the ECF containing record Id you could build the full URL to your environment to be part of the email notification. Think about adding a condition as well, so this part is only shown when sending from unless you have a brand that is leveraged for this use case only.

@Michael.Rave Thank you for the answer! 

Please tell me if I understood correctly, the field (Envelope Custom Field (ECF)) which contains Salesforce recordId are created automatically each time evnvelop send and I don't need to create it?
Because my DocuSign account doesn't have Envelope Custom Field.

According to the DocuSign documentation:
"Only the sender, users with shared access, and account administrators see envelope custom fields and values ​​in the envelope details. Recipients do not see envelope custom fields and values."

Will I be able to use the value of this field (ECF) when constructing the Salesforce record link I need to show it to the client? Will the client see the value of this field?

And one more question. According to the documentation
“Only envelopes sent from standard Send with Docusign buttons display envelope custom fields. Envelopes created from custom envelope template buttons do not display ECFs.”

Please tell me if I don't use the standard Send with Docusign button for the envelope, I won't be able to fill in Envelope Custom Fields when sending envelope?


I am very grateful to you for your help in this issue.


Yes, if you use the Docusign package from to create an envelope, there will be a couple of ECFs created automatically in the background. ECFs are metadata attached to the envelope that are not seen by any recipients unless you include them e.g. in the emails by editing the email resource files.

You can log into the Docusign eSignature Web App and create a report for an envelopes that you know has been sent from and add the ECFs into the results. You then have the correct naming of the ECF fields and see the value. This should enable you to build the correct link in the email notification if you want to include them as per your initial post.

@Michael.Rave Thank you! And sorry for the basic questions. I am new to DocuSign. Can you please tell me if by Docusign eSignature Web App you mean DocuSign account? And if so, what type of report should I create to get the required information (ECF fields name and value for Salesforce record Id) from my envelope. Sorry for asking in detail about such basic things for you. Thank you!


Yes, the Docusign eSignature Web App is accessing the Docusign account in any browser.

You can use the envelope report and select “Edit Columns” to add the “Envelope Custom Field” to the report, as it is not shown by default.

@Michael.Rave  Thank you very much for your help!

@Michael.Rave Hello! 

Please tell me if it is possible to use conditional syntax for Envelope Custom Field (ECF) in Email Resource file and if so, how? To avoid displaying any additional content if such a Envelope Custom Field (ECF) is not present in the envelope. Is this syntax correct?

> Link:  /sECF:ECF_Field_Name]]

Thanks for your answer!


Yes, this is how I would test it as it is similar to the other conditional examples in the email resource file.

I assume it needs to be something like this, as the field will only contain the record Id and not the full link:

>[Conditional:ECF_Field_Name]]   Link:  <a href=”]]/view”>Access account</a>

@Michael.Rave Thanks!!!
