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I need two specifies recipients fields, one after the other. can i do this?


This is what my flow needs to be:

  1. known - ‘needs to sign’
  2. Known and needs to add their signature but then also this person needs to add the next unknown contact.  I cannot call them ‘Specifies Recipient’ as then they cannot add a signature.  So i need to add them as ‘needs to sign’.  I then tried added tis person again as a ‘Specifies Recipient’ to be able to add person 3.
  3. this needs to be a person dictated by person 2. i tried adding person 2 again as ‘specifies recipient’ but it wont let me leave the name and email fields blank for person 3.  Person 3 needs to add the details for person 4.
  4. this person needs to be the signatory which was added by person 3 and will be ‘needs to sign’.

the error messages keep coming up against person 3 which is the second specifies recipients in the workflow.  How do i structure this so person 2 can dictate person 3 whilst also beng able to sign themselves. and then person 3 can dictate person 4 without needing to sign themselves (usual specifies recipient)

2 replies

Valued Contributor
  • Valued Contributor
  • 959 replies
  • June 18, 2024


I think you can follow this recipient workflow.   I left Person 1 out because we know they are signing.

Person 2 can sign too and their name and email address in signing order 3.  When it gets to Person 2 the second time for the assignment of Signer3, they can assign it to person 3.  They will need to use the “Assign to Someone Else” option.


  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • July 2, 2024

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