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Merge the Demo and Prod Connectors within Power Automate

Related products:Integrations
  • October 30, 2024
  • 1 reply

Within Power Automate, Docusign currently uses separate Connectors for Demo and Prod.
Unfortunately this means that any flows you create using the Demo connector need to be rebuilt using the Prod connector when you’re ready for them to go live.

This makes the current Connectors unsuitable for any complex solutions and incompatible with managed solution deployments.

We need to have a single Connector and then provide a way to either; select the Docusign environment as a dropdown on the Individual Actions which could then be set via Environment Variables; or have the environment be selected as part of the initial authentication and stored within the user’s Connections.



1 reply


The current connector using a separate DocuSign demo instance will pose significant challenges during production deployment. The risk of errors increases when every action needs to be manually updated, especially in large workflows.

In our case, we have numerous actions assigning dynamic approvers with tags. Reworking these during deployment will be time-consuming and prone to failure.

DocuSign should consider providing a single connector with the ability to switch connections, similar to other Power Automate connectors.