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When I sent documents via API to docusign, my users see the information blurred when they go to sign

First up , is this question really about Maestro API? that’s where you posted it, so I think it’s not related to Maestro, right?
Also, not sure what you mean by blurry, can you share a screenshot by any chance? What API call did you make? 


Api productiva para mandar a crear un sobre



Mando un html que contiene toda la informaicón de un contrato a firmar en base64



"emailSubject": "GPO-DIR-US--9272716-202210",

"documents": "


"documentId": "1",

"name": “contracto",

"fileExtension": "html",

"documentBase64": "JzxodG1sPjxib2R5PjxoMT5HcnVwbyBKdW1leDwvaDE+PGgxPmJyaWRlPC9oMT48aDE+U0lHTkFUVVJFX1JFUFJFU0VOVEFUSVZFPC9oMT48L2JvZHk+PC9odG1sPic="



"recipients": {

"signers": r


"email": "",

"name": "joan carlos ponce",

"recipientId": "1",

"routingOrder": "1",

"roleName": "Signer",

"emailNotification" : null,

"tabs": {

"signHereTabs": b


"anchorString": "BRIDE",

"anchorXOffset": 0,

"anchorYOffset": 0,

"anchorUnits": 0,

"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent": "false",

"anchorCaseSensitive": "false"






"email": "",

"name": "rosario",

"recipientId": "2",

"routingOrder": "2",

"roleName": "Signer",

"emailNotification" : null,

"tabs": {

"signHereTabs": b



"anchorXOffset": 0,

"anchorYOffset": 0,

"anchorUnits": 0,

"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent": "false",

"anchorCaseSensitive": "false"






"carbonCopies": e



"status": "sent",

"envelopeExpiration": {


Ejemplos asi se muestra cuando reviso directo en mi



Y asi cuando les llega el correo a mis firmantes

