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REST API for authoritative copies export and acknowledge in JAVA SDK

  • 28 August 2024
  • 1 reply

  In our application we are providing financing, so before that we doing e-sign.

   We integrated docusign embedded signing using Java sdk, where we are generating presigned url using JWT token.
 Where we are storing signed document in our AWS s3 bucket after successfully e-sign.

Now are looking for REST API for authoritative copies export and acknowledge.

I read one blog where you mentioned that  “Presently there is no direct export option available in the REST APIs.”.

Now we don’t want to change integration from REST API to SOAP API or eOriginal.

I have couple of question around that -

  1. Do we really need to integrate authoritative copies flow ? Or Can we use Document Retention configuration for purge document from docusign?
  2. When you are planning to provide REST API for authoritative copies flow ?
  3. Is any other way to handle  authoritative copies flow ?

Hi Virendra,

Thank you for reaching out to us. The answer to your question really depends on what your business needs are.

The differerence between Document Retention and Authoritative Copy is that that AC requires a full process to claim ownership of  a vaultable envelope and retain primary custody of it, where Retention simply deletes the envelope from our system after a specified number of days. Once that number of days have passed the envelope is voided and partially redacted from our system. 


In terms of using Authoritative Copy solely through the REST API, the article you linked above does have the parameters to flag an envelope and portions (or in its entirety) of the envelope for export. If you do not want to use SOAP callouts for the final export mechanism, Docusign does offer an automated Connector to handle the process for you through eOriginal. I believe I described the Connectors functionality in the article you mentioned, but if I did not, the experience with the EO Connector should be flagging an envelope for export automatically based on a custom field value. The field itself should be a true / false value that signals the Connector to begin the export process. 

Following that as a guideline, you may not need to branch into the SOAP APIs at all. 

Let us know if you have any questions, happy to help where we can!


Matt King | Sr. Advanced API Support Engineer | Docusign
