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We had an issue where we were trying to cover for someone who is out of the office on an envelope that they had shared with both me and my coworker, so that we could cover for them.


My co-worker didn’t have a “Correct” button on the shared envelope. And I did.


My co-worker and I have the same configuration in every way.


The only difference was that she was CC’ed on the specific envelope, and I wasn’t.


If anything, I would think the CC would give her MORE access vs. take away a “Correct” button.


Problem solved now, and the right contract is routing because I still had the “Correct” button and could fix it.


But we’re trying to figure out why my coworker’s “shared” view would look different than mine just because she was CC’ed on the envelope?


That seems very weird.

@Kristen Schipper  -  The "Correct" button allows a sender to modify an envelope's details, such as adding or removing recipients, updating documents, or adjusting settings, as long as the envelope hasn't been fully executed by all parties. However, the availability of this button and the permissions to use it can vary based on several factors, including the user’s role in the envelope and their permissions within the DocuSign account.

Being CC'ed on an envelope typically means that the individual is only meant to receive a copy of the document once it’s completed, rather than being an active participant in the signing process. Users who are CC'ed generally do not have permissions to make corrections to the envelope. On the other hand, if the co-worker were added as a sender or have shared access with more administrative permissions, they should be able to see the “Correct” button.

The co-worker who was CC’ed has shared access to all envelopes sent by this user and is an admin, just like me. We are all cross-shared with each other on all envelopes any of us send. Would you advise not to CC someone you are already shared with, because it seems like that limits their ability to work with that envelope. 

@Kristen Schipper - If that is the only reason why you would want to CC someone?  Otherwise, I would advise not to CC then.

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