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I just bought a personal plan after doing a trial. I tried sending my first template and it says that I’ve used all my envelopes. What are envelopes? And how did I use any if I just paid for a plan? I just have two documents I need to send out to people.

Hello, @alleycat1529 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


An envelope is like a container where you add your documents and signers. Every time that you need documents to be signed you need to send them inside an envelope.


If you just upgrade to a Personal Plan, perhaps the envelopes were not available yet to your use, on this case contact our Support team, open a ticket so they can verify what’s happened. Here the steps about how to open a support ticket:


A template is used to make easy the envelope’s sending process, thus if you created a template when you click in Use a template that means a template created by you will be used to send an envelope with documents.


Watch this video to see how to Send an Envelope:


I hope that helps!




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