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I am trying to update my details under Settings>Users>Actions and keep getting an error that says An error occurred while getting user detail.

I  have seen the same problem from someone else 6 months ago but there is no actual help in it. I have updated my name under Manage Profile but this does not change the location that I want to actually change it. 

I do not need/want to give clients my middle name and need it changed asap. Please help

Thank you. 

Is it network issue. Have you try with other network? if not network issue, I think you should create case with support team by with your docusign account.


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Hello @JanM 

Welcome to the DocuSign Community!

Yes it might be a network issue although if if @JanM wants the edit his user name/details then, he can try using “Profile” icon and “Manage Profile” where he can edit Name etc. right? @Hengfeng Ge 

Thanks! Hope this helps.

@Pawan Gangwani I have already edited details under the Profile icon and 'manage profile’ as stated in my original post. It does not change where I actually need it to change. 
