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There are tiny dots on all of my completed documents.  When printed out and re-scanned (as is necessary for my work) these dots darken, or shadow, the pages.  Sometimes they are too dark for my sub-contractors to read.  Is there a way to NOT have the tiny dots appear on the completed document?  I have the watermark feature turneed OFF currently, which is what I thought the dots were.  Apparently they are something else….  ??  Can anyone help?


Can you provide an example? It could be related to your printer or scanner that these dots are added.

Docusign does not add any tiny dots to documents during the signature process.

Printing out and re-scanning a signed document will result in a copy that is not an original and does not have any seals to provide authenticity. It will rightfully be rejected by anyone if received and it not legally binding. Not sure why it is necessary, but introduces a lot of risk in progressing.

Hi @eeaston,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,

 Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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