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I got my job contact by email to sign. HR manager has signed it. But I didn’t write the initials correctly. I want to modify it before sign. What should I do? Many thanks


As long as you haven’t clicked on ‘FINISH’ you should be able to edit your signature.

You need to:

  1. Find the email notification that was sent to you by your HR manager
  2. In the email , click on Review to open the envelope
  3. Locate the signature field where you’ve signed
  4. Click on the field
  5. Update the signature (name or style)
  6. Complete the envelope

If you have already clicked on ‘FINISH’, then you’d need to ask the sender of the envelope to send you a new envelope.

Sofian Saoudi,
Solusign Consulting - DocuSign Partner
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Hi Sofian,

Many thanks for you help solution.

I didn't click ''finish''. I supposed that I could correct my signature. But when I clicked on the fields where I should put the initials and the end of the last page for the signature, always the old signature appears. I didn't see ''update the signature design''...  Maybe I should use the computer version instead of the mobile phone version. Or should I wait for the sender to send me a new envelope which is the only solution?  

Best regards



Seems to the an eternal annoying bug.

Not admissible in my point of view,,,

Hello @WDL ,

Was the sender able to send you a new envelope? If you found the provided response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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